Monday, August 26, 2013

Changes at Work - Letter to my Clients.

Dear Customer, 

I often sit back and dream about what I want for the future of Natural Gifts! Usually, I think about what I want it to become or how I want it to be once we grow; but then I realized in order to let it grow and get to the future, I need to make some changes now - not later.
I have spent all day yesterday, and most of today updating our website, and redoing our list of services and price structure. Please Visit our website, when you get a free moment, to see these changes. Some of the pages you may want to pay attention to are: Services,Price List, and Service Providers. Please be patient with us as we all familiarize ourselves with the new service title changes and time allotments for the new services.
You will also see some changes on Schedulicity, when scheduling online. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the changes, so that you can book the correct type of appointment.
For any questions or concerns, please send us an email at our New email address: or

I want to personally thank you for your loyalty and sticking with us through this growth.
Zada McGuire

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Quitting .... Cold Turkey!?!

Time is probably my biggest complaint; there just never seems to be enough of it.  But why is this?  There have always been 24 hrs in the day and past generations seemed to be able to get their stuff done.  So why can't I?  Something is tipping my balance scale and I am not getting everything done that I want to in a day.

“You may delay, but time will not.”   ― Benjamin Franklin


Oh my!  I've been addicted to procrastination for a very long time, maybe even since middle school.  I mean, it could be my first name, I'm that good at it.  For me, it comes in many forms - putting non important business first, movies / tv / books, sleep, naps, day dreaming, putting non important home things first, facebook, internet, etc.  I can find anything else to do except the task I should be doing.  Example:  I have had my homework for a couple months now and am now down to 11 days before due date.  Most people would say "HOLY CRAP 11 DAYS! Gotta get this done yesterday",  but I say "ehh I have 9 more days before I need to panic and pull an all nighter".

I have a full plate, because I like a full plate and everything I have put on it.  In reality, I have plenty of time if not more than enough time to complete it all.  So why is it I always feel in a rush and out of time?  The truth is, Procrastination has tipped my scale out of balance.  When life is out of balance there is no time to enjoy the leisure walk through it because you are scrambling to get the scale back in balance.

The question is, How do you get your scale back in balance?!  First list out what are your priorities in life! What is it you want to accomplish - Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month, and In Your Life.  Next list out the things that are keeping you from reaching those goals.  Be specific, don't just say "time", list out what is taking up your time that you could be achieving your accomplishments.  Join my new motto - "Does _______ (what I'm doing right now) help me achieve my goal?"  If the answer is no, then honestly, you probably don't need to be doing it ;).

It is time.... I am quitting Procrastination, and putting my scale back into balance.

Well, got to go, need to do some school work!  I would love to hear what is tipping your scale out of balance and what you plan on doing about it.

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone”  ― Pablo Picasso

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Craving More of Less

“Too many people spend money they buy things they don't impress people that they don't like.” ~Will Rogers

Take a moment to sit back and enjoy the room you are sitting in!  Take a good look around while observing the contents of the room.  Notice the furniture, the colors, the decorative nick nacks, and the little extras that may not even belong, such as your shoes or a book.  Think about the things you are seeing, do any of them have sentimental value?  If so, great!  If not, then do you really need it?

How many things are in the room that you have not used, looked at or thought about in 6 months or longer? If you were to move today, would you take those things with you?  Most Americans have WAY too much stuff.  What do we need it all for?  My dare for you is.... to get rid of 5 items!  It can be gifted, donated, sold, or thrown away.

About this time last year, Devin and I downsized to a travel trailer and a small shed building.  The plan was to downsize, have minimal stuff, save money and get out of debt.  Because we wanted to save money we opted to not pay for a storage unit.  We went through all our stuff, selling some and giving away the rest.  Although we got rid of a lot, we still filled all the cabinets in the trailer and we have an over flowing shed.

Throughout the year I have gradually gotten rid of small things.  Mostly things that were in the way of other things or that would fall out of a cabinet when I opened it.  Devin's response was "why did you keep it, just to get rid of it later."  My reply was "I didn't know I didn't want it!"

Sometimes it seems so hard to get rid of things, but truthfully, how much of the stuff I kept do I really need?  Not much!  A year later and I am craving more of less.  I am ready to part my life of even more stuff.  I think I am about to shock my husband with the amount of stuff I am going to dig up and get rid of :).  We shall see....

So far I know I am going to get rid of my antique secretary desk, lots of my craft stuff if not all of, some if not all of our board games, movies, books, and anything else I can let go of.  It seems the more I get rid of, the more I want to get rid of.  It creates less mess, less to clean, and more space.

Are you going to take my dare?  What are you going to get rid of? 


Here is Devin and Cinnamon going through the movies.  We got rid of a total of 285 movies and kept only one small shelf (mostly box sets he wasn't ready to part with and some Disney classics).

Here is the desk that I'm selling and already listed on Craigslist. 

We also got rid of a handful of board games. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


"Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late." – Marie Beynon Ray

What are you passionate about?  I mean absolutely in love!  You could do it all day long, talk about it at the drop of a hat, and would do it for free....  This is the question of the day; at least according to the book I am currently reading to help me grow my business.

I feel like its too simple or touche to say my passion is to help others.  Maybe that's just it though, if your really passionate about it, it would seem simple.  So the question still remains, what are you passionate about?

For now, I will simply say my passion is to help others.  I believe this is why my favorite sessions at work are the Interpretive Wellness Sessions.  This is a session I created in the last year that combines all the things I love - talking, listening, nutrition, holistic healing, positive affirmation, and positive touch --- This is what i am good at.  To look back at where it all started, massage, I would of never imagined being where I am today; but I also can't imagine going back either.  Because of this simple question, I am excited to relook at my business and really put some thought into the direction I want to send it.

In the mean time, I would love to hear what you are passionate about, and what you plan to do with that passion.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Blog with a Purpose

Several years ago I read a book called "For Women Only".  This is a wonderful book for women to read to shed insight on how men think and why they do what they do.  One of the references the author uses is women wear pink sunglasses and men wear blue sunglasses; we can both be looking at the same thing, but we are going to see it differently because our shades are different.

I often use this same analogy when coaching clients.  We all wear different shades and therefore we each have a different perspective on what is happening in life. 

The purpose of my blog is to help shed some insight behind my shades.  This is how I view my life and its surroundings.  My hope is that maybe some of it can help in your life.

Please keep in mind that this is my journey in life and will not be the same as yours.  Enjoy the stories of my life and how I see them.  If you read my first blog it will help give you some insight about me and the things I plan to blog about.


Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall ...

"It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Like a lot of people, I have a love / hate relationship with the mirror, they can be a tell all!  Even though a mirror is not my favorite place to look, I do find the significance of a mirror and self reflection important.  It is important to know who you are; how you see yourself if huge in how others will see you. 
So I have decided to take a moment and reflect on who I am.

My name is Zada McGuire and I am _______
(in no particular order)

28 yrs old - young with an old soul, enjoying my 20s and not too excited about getting closer to 30 as I feel I would like to accomplish more before then.

a Wife - I have a wonderful loving husband, Devin, who I married in June of 2006, with a rocky start towards the beginning we have found what works for us and I am more in love today with this man.

a Daughter / Daughter-n-Law - I have a wonderful mother who taught me unconditional love and who has finally found a wonderful husband to treat her well, he is a great man and I am proud to call him Daddy D.  Although we don't get to visit often, I enjoy spending time with my mother and father-n-law and know that marriages today can still last.  My father and I have not had a relationship in many years (maybe it will be a blog one day)

a Sister / Sister-n-Law - I have 2 younger brothers who are a pain in my rear but I love them all the same and would do anything for them.  Devin was also the oldest in his family and he has 1 sister and 1 brother.

an Aunt - I LOVE being an aunt!  One of my brothers has a kid and Devin's sister has a kid.  I also "adopt" lots of nieces and nephews from my dear friends.  I enjoy doing things for kids and being creative, and I (silently) also enjoy sending them back home.

a Niece / Cousin - I am blessed with knowing my family.  Family is important on both my side and Devin's side and we regularly attend family reunions.  I also dab with when I have a not-so-often free moment.

a Friend - I would say I have more acquaintances than friends.  Its kind of always been this way, and I kind of like it this way too.  I have a small group that I would consider friends and an even smaller group that I would consider close friends.  With this said, life is busy and I don't get to see them often; however I try to be the best friend I can be.

a Business Owner - I started my own business in 2007 as Massage Therapy by Zada and changed and grew the business in 2011 as Natural Gifts Holistic Center. My wellness center is a huge part of my life and I can't imagine not having it.  I have great hopes and plans for the future and its growth.

a Life and Wellness Therapist and Coach - My current titles are: Licensed Massage Therapist, ITEC Certified Reflologist, Certified Nutritional Consultant.  My passion is doing Interpretive Wellness sessions.  I get the chance to sit and learn about my clients lives and what is going on in the past, present and future.  As I learn about my clients I help create lifestyle changes while giving positive affirmation and often times complementary therapies such as massage or chakra balancing, etc.

a Student - I think I will be a student for life.  The more you learn, the more you realize you don't know, and crave to know more.  I am currently working on my Bachelors in Natural Health through the Kingdom College of Natural Health.  I also keep up with my continued education for massage and also have over my hours needed.

a Procrastinator - Oh MY!  This should totally be at the TOP of the list.  I am a total procrastinator.  As in wait till two days before school work is due to start it; wait till the month taxes are due to even think about them.  I will say though that as bad as a habit as it is, I am quite good at it and I seem to turn in really good work when its complete (and most of the time, its on time).

Strong - I like to think I have good physical strength, but also good mental strength.  I think am definitely head strong ;)

Smart - Because I love to read and take classes, I have some general smarts about me.  I am not the best at relying on quotes or muscle names, but my intuition has a direct hotline to my knowledge and knows how to use the things I have learned without needing the specifics.

a Decent Cook - I have loved to bake for a long time, but its really on in the last couple years that I have enjoyed cooking.  I can follow almost any recipe and come out with a good dish, but lately I have been exploring my intuition in the kitchen.  I enjoy throwing things together and tweaking recipes.

a Gardner - I started a container garden a few years ago and had good success for the amount planted.  I have recently ventured into a larger size garden.  It is a lot of work (which I am currently procrastinating on weeding), but I truly enjoy it and the fruits of the labor.  We have several good compost piles too.

am Crafty - I think I get this from my moms side of the family.  I have even surprised myself on some of the creative things I have come up with.

an Animal Lover - There is definitely a place in my heart for animals.  We currently have several, including some rescues.  We have 5 cats (2 inside, 3 outside, all rescues), a livestock guardian dog, 8 ducks (2 rescues), and lots of chickens (couple rescues)

a Volunteer - I don't mind volunteering anywhere, but I give most of my volunteer time to Kids Unlimited Foundation where I am also a board member.

Witty, Funny, and Sarcastic - There is at least one person in my life that I can still make laugh and smile.  My husband seems to still find me amusing and funny, so I feel I am doing my job well.  On the other hand, I have been known to be quite sarcastic.

a Giver -  It is easier for me to give than to get.  I enjoy doing things for others/

the Worlds Worst Medicine Taker - I am not a doctor goer!  I will take "medicine" if absolutely necessary and I see no other option.  But I will almost always try and herb or holistic medicine first.  You know its past the point of bad when I go for the over the counter pain reliever.

Holistic Minded - This kind of goes with the "worlds worst medicine taker".  I think that our emotions influence our body and how we feel.  I use a lot of essential oils in my life.

a Thinker - Once my brain is in action, it doesn't stop!  I am always thinking about something.

Vegetarian -  This one is a little tricky.  When I cook or eat at home I cook grain free / vegan.  I claim vegetarian because I do believe in enjoying life (will blog on this later)

Extraordinary - I remember being a church youth lesson one time where they were talking about living your live as ordinary or extraordinary.  I like to think I am extraordinary.

I am ME!

Who are you? 
Have you ever taken a moment to self reflect and define who you are? 
What makes you, you? 

If everyone was the same, the world would be boring! 

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ~Dr. Seuss