Sunday, August 18, 2013

Quitting .... Cold Turkey!?!

Time is probably my biggest complaint; there just never seems to be enough of it.  But why is this?  There have always been 24 hrs in the day and past generations seemed to be able to get their stuff done.  So why can't I?  Something is tipping my balance scale and I am not getting everything done that I want to in a day.

“You may delay, but time will not.”   ― Benjamin Franklin


Oh my!  I've been addicted to procrastination for a very long time, maybe even since middle school.  I mean, it could be my first name, I'm that good at it.  For me, it comes in many forms - putting non important business first, movies / tv / books, sleep, naps, day dreaming, putting non important home things first, facebook, internet, etc.  I can find anything else to do except the task I should be doing.  Example:  I have had my homework for a couple months now and am now down to 11 days before due date.  Most people would say "HOLY CRAP 11 DAYS! Gotta get this done yesterday",  but I say "ehh I have 9 more days before I need to panic and pull an all nighter".

I have a full plate, because I like a full plate and everything I have put on it.  In reality, I have plenty of time if not more than enough time to complete it all.  So why is it I always feel in a rush and out of time?  The truth is, Procrastination has tipped my scale out of balance.  When life is out of balance there is no time to enjoy the leisure walk through it because you are scrambling to get the scale back in balance.

The question is, How do you get your scale back in balance?!  First list out what are your priorities in life! What is it you want to accomplish - Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month, and In Your Life.  Next list out the things that are keeping you from reaching those goals.  Be specific, don't just say "time", list out what is taking up your time that you could be achieving your accomplishments.  Join my new motto - "Does _______ (what I'm doing right now) help me achieve my goal?"  If the answer is no, then honestly, you probably don't need to be doing it ;).

It is time.... I am quitting Procrastination, and putting my scale back into balance.

Well, got to go, need to do some school work!  I would love to hear what is tipping your scale out of balance and what you plan on doing about it.

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone”  ― Pablo Picasso

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